My name is Regina Foster and I am 33 years old and totally out of shape. I decided to take the iVillage Mind Body Challenge to see if I can actually get the motivation together create some harmony in my life. As I climb the steps to 34 I have a goal of creating bliss in my life, challenging my fears (and ladies, I have PLENTY), and becoming physically fit. How will I do on this challenge? Looks like we are going to find that out together! I'm excited...are you?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sacred Space...Harder than Expected

Yesterday I was relieved and intrigued to find that our assignment was to find sacred space. Here in my tiny city apartment I found that my quest for sacred space was not as easy as I thought. Just a little space to call my own. Sounds simple enough but when I was actually seeking said space I realized that I don't have any. So what is a girl to do? Maybe this closet that I have in my bedroom that is about 10 feet long? Oh yeah it's also about 2.5 feet wide. Not exactly where I envision breathing space. Hmmm. This one is gonna be difficult. I thought about maybe creating space using dividers or sheets or something MacGuyer-like that I can assemble and then take down. But sacred space should be exactly that: sacred. I don't feel like sacred space should be something made with Egyptian cotton sheets, I deserve something a little better than that, don't I?

Then as I looked around I realized that I may have been limiting myself by only looking INSIDE my Subway Restaurant sized apartment. My third floor city apartment has a balcony that is covered and totally unused with the exception that my fake Christmas tree is being stored out there and has been since Three Kings Day. I can remove the tree and give the balcony a little TLC. The weather in Providence has been looking up so I can actually go out there at all times of day or night now and really have some space that I can call my own.

What a sense of accomplishment! I DID THE FIRST CHALLENGE. Now that may not seem like much for some of you but for me it's the equivalent of completing the Ironman Triathalon. Okay, that is a bit dramatic, I admit.

So the second day's assignment was provided for me by Gladys bright and early this morning and I didn't fight it. I woke up and greeted my girl for the first time without the fear and anxiety that I was expecting before. And there it was DECLUTTER. I can declutter my sacred space. Remove phony cheap christmas tree from porch. Done. Easy.

Then the brain starts to race. What about the clutter everywhere else? I have closets with too many clothes in them and a living room with everything but the kitchen sink in it. Organization should not be limited to my sacred balcony. So I have set aside some time to make sure that I actually take the time to face the clutter in my life. To really see where things need attention. It's not like my house looks like the world is strewn from here to Guam it's just that things should be in better places. I should be able to find things when I need them immediately and I need to actually remove the things that I don't really use.

Could this be real? Am I facing things in my life that do not honor me? I think I am and it feels pretty darn good. Maybe this may work out after all. It's only been two days and I feel like I'm on the right track.

How have you been doing? I am so interested to know.

See you soon and best of luck. I will be placing pics on here soon so you get a little feel for me, my Subway apartment, and the soon to be famous sacred porch.

Be Well!


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